R.I.S.E. Program

There is a tremendous amount of research focused on understanding the connection between exercise, social engagement, meditation, stress, and nutrition and cognitive health and overall brain health. As we age, we tend to lose sight of the things we love that keep our mind and body flourishing. At Aria, we have implemented the R.I.S.E. Program, which stands for Relationships/Interests/Skills/Environment and the program’s goal is to keep the mind and body stimulated by engaging in the things you love and/or exploring new interests.


We genuinely care about the well-being of our residents and focus on the whole person. We believe in the power of forming authentic relationships with residents and their families and integrating them within the community.

Moving into assisted living can be a stressful situation. As we age, we get comfortable with daily routines and often have less socialization, which can lead to anxiety and depression and have a major impact on health. Building strong relationships is one factor to keeping seniors mentally stimulated.

What does living in one of our residences look like?

Our 4pm happy hour may include having a glass a wine, sitting amongst friends at the kitchen island, helping with dinner preparation, or talking about our families, interests, and current events. Engaging in conversation keeps seniors up to date on current events, exposes them to different viewpoints, and helps them form lasting connections with others.


Our residents have regular access to activities designed to keep their bodies and minds sharp, while encouraging socialization with others. A sampling of some of the activities we offer include:

  • Exercise – we offer yoga, Tai Chi, and other group exercises that promote balance, stimulate the brain, and keep the body moving. Balance training helps seniors to avoid falls, relieve stress, and improve their overall health.
  • Educational Courses – We offer informational overviews based on interests. Does your loved one have an interest in finance, social media, photography, etc? Whatever their interests may be, we’ll gladly look into offering a session on it.
  • Personal Care – We offer a spa day to residents where treatments include hand massages, manicures, and foot baths.
  • Cookouts – Throughout the summer, we grill out in the courtyard/backyard.
  • Game Nights – We offer card nights, board game nights, football parties, etc.


Sharpening old skills or learning new ones helps our residents feel comfortable and encourages engagement in activities. In addition to bringing back memories, they also provide residents with a sense of independence, pride, and accomplishment.

  • Cooking – We encourage our residents to participate in daily meal preparation, even it that means sitting at the island and engaging in conversation. Many of our recipes have come from our residents’ personal family favorites.
  • Baking – We frequently bake cookies for family, friends, and the local fire department.
  • Music – Does your loved one have an ear for music? In addition to playing music, we arranged for one of our residents, a former musician, to teach music to local high school students.
  •  Life skills such as table setting, flower arranging, and gardening – These types of activities provide cognitive and sensory stimulation, which can help preserve motor skills.


All of our residences are designed to feel like a home, making it easier for residents to socialize and interact with one another. Research has shown that smaller facilities are less stressful for staff which creates an environment that focuses on caregivers building personal relationships with the residents and their families.

In addition, we also focus on the sensory needs of our residents.

  • Touch – As we age, circulatory issues impact loss of touch. One way to combat this is through staying physically active and proper nutrition.
  • Sound – We aim to reduce unnecessary background noises and place an emphasis on resident privacy. All of our bedrooms have been constructed with sound-absorbing materials.
  • Sight – Our residences are designed to be visually stimulating, featuring art and bright colors.
  • Taste – Our ability to taste can change over time and when a person experiences a decrease in the sense of taste, they often lose interest in food. We offer menus with variety and choice and involve residents in mealtime preparation and group dining.
  • Smell – Cooking and baking smells from the kitchen can help to improve resident morale.

At Aria, we encourage continual learning of new interests, hobbies, skills, and exercises. We want our residents to feel like they are at home. Our goal is to normalize everyday activities and make it engaging and fun while aiming to provide quality care and stimulate the mind and body.

The health, safety and well-being of residents is the top priority of Aria Senior Living. If you would like additional information or would like to schedule a personalized tour, please contact us.

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